Lamura & Majestic Olverias

It is very rare but occasionally there are internal splits between the Higher Races. One such took place between the Wood Elves of Lamura and the Sea Elves of the Fey Isle. They had been united under a common senate for decades but finally split with the Wood Elves appointing their own Prince. The Sea Elves controlled the port of Majestic Olverias and sought to blockade the Wood Elves from metal ores, of which they had none of. This might have worked but the Mountain Dwarves mischievously intervened to supply the Wood Elves themselves. Matters worsened and both groups of elves acted very much out of character. Some say that Zinzerena, the dark elf god of lies, assassins, and illusion, was actually behind the events but few if any really know. The internal frustrations of two elven cultures that were fundamentally different and growing more so with each year, were bound to erupt at some point. What is certain is that all the elves suffered as the result of some very foolish actions.

A Sea Elf Army landed at Majestic Olverias in a fine display of pomp and splendour with silken banners fluttering and gilded armour shining. They deployed outside the city and sent repeated demands to their Wood Elf cousins to come to terms and bend the knee. Prince Phaendar of Lamura was newly appointed, in elf terms, and was anxious not to look feeble in front of his subjects; he declined to submit. This merely angered the Sea Elves who finally marched in to the forest following the river south to the Wood Elf city. No one side admits to starting the actual fighting but it soon erupted with the Wood Elves pushed back as the Sea Elves marched on. Prince Phaendar realised that he simply could not win in a war with his more militarily capable cousins; he became desperate and foolish.  A True Empire officer of half-elf blood, known as Adan to the Wood Elves, approached them and offered to help.  He would assist by getting General Vesterland, the commander of the Udrakadesh garrison, to march north and to demonstrate upon the flank of the Sea Elves and threaten to outflank them. No one would be harmed as the move in itself would make the Sea Elf position vulnerable and would end the war. It would foster improved relations between the True Empire and the Wood Elves while marginalising the Sea Elves. This would be a boon for all save the embarrassed Elven invaders. Though Adnan was genuine his superior was not and instead saw the chance to inflict a defeat that would make him a Hero of the Empire. Vesterland summoned reinforcements and when he marched north he had a contingent far larger than that he had promised.

The True Empire army passed swiftly through the forest with wood elf guides blissfully unaware of the human true intentions. The humans pressed on and caught the Sea Elf rear guard unawares. The Knights of Kaegor charged in to the enemy and routed them spreading terror and confusion. The Fists of Hextor fell upon the baggage train indulging their famed merciless nature and killing all they found. Many of the routed Sea Elves fled in to the woods and others back to Majestic Olverias. Knowing that the main Sea Elf army still existed forced Vesterland to launch a swift and costly assault on the walls of Majestic Olverias. He knew that if was caught between the city walls and the vengeful elf army, he would be destroyed. Wave upon wave of men died assaulting the walls till the Fists smashed through the main gate and in to the city. The human army went wild within the settlement following the bloody example of the Hextorians, carrying out all manner of horror and slaughter. A pyramid of skulls was rudely created in the main square from the heads of all the male inhabitants of any and all ages. The women were violated and either enslaved or killed out of hand while children were merely ‘culled’. The Priest-Marshall of Hextor declared it ‘a fine day for the sons of Kaegor’.

Prince Phaendar knew he had been fooled as soon as news of the defeat of the Sea Elf rear guard reached him. He had never meant for the humans to actually attack his cousins but they had. When he heard that Majestic Olverias was threatened he instantly swapped sides and joined the Sea Elves who gladly accepted his aid. The combined army of elves attacked the blocking force left to delay them and though the humans fought long and hard; they still died. By the time the elves approached Majestic Olverias they could see the smoke on the horizon and then hear the sounds of the sacking of the once magnificent city. The approach of the elves ended the pillaging of the city as the humans rallied to their defence, indeed the gates were opened and a stream of traumatised survivors fled out to the elves. Taking advantage of the departure of the Sea Elf fleet, a True Empire squadron docked at the city and delivered supplies whilst taking aboard loot, booty and slaves to be transported back down the coast to Udrakadesh. A sally outside of the city was defeated by the vengeful elves and the humans now found themselves besieged. Vesterland tried to enter in to negotiations with the elves but they would not listen to his emissaries. Even when Adan was sent, they only listened to his words before wishing him to ‘live forever to and remember your deeds’. He was sent physically unharmed back to his masters. The Empire squadron slipped back in to the city at night to evacuate as much of the army as it could. The Knights of Kaegor and Fists of Hextor were successfully removed but a sizeable number of common soldiery had to remain behind. Vesterland promoted Adan and left him to command but promised to return as soon as he could. Vesterland abandoned Adan and his men in a ruined city surrounded by discarded treasure and rotting bodies when his squadron slipped out in to the night. Unfortunately for the Squadron the ships of the Sea Elves were waiting to fall upon them with much fury and with only revenge in their hearts. Though they scattered in to the night, a good two thirds of the human ships were sunk and their men drowned. Vesterland lead a much diminished force back in to Udrakadesh.

News of the fall of ruined elven city reached the True Empire but by now it had been wove in to a fine victory for the forces of Kaegor. Vesterland was a hero and lauded as such with one more elf city wiped from the Lands of Warlderia.  In truth it was at best a bloody pyrrhic victory for the humans and a disaster for all the elves. The Sea Elves never returned save to relocate their army home and they left the city as they had eventually re-captured it; a smoking ruin. They had abandoned thousands of their loyal subjects to the cruellest of fates and doubts surfaced in the minds of their other human servants.  The Wood Elves were now an independent people but they too had lost people in the war and their prince was famed for his foolishness. They were too weak to fight a war with the True Empire so they retreated in to their forest and left the northern shore and Majestic Olverias well alone.

Since then north shore has been a wild place. Few live in the ruins of the once great city. Worst still Orcish raiders now plague the north coast. They skirt the Dwarven lands and shun the Fey Isle but are now infesting the north shore. The Wood elves are too weak to route them and the Old Empire will not intervene in the area.

It is close to 120 years since the fall of Majestic Olverias and for the humans it has passed in to history and fable. It is still hailed as a victory in the True Empire but now one of many tales from the past sung by tavern minstrels. To the Elves though it is still very current as many of those involved are still alive and remember it all too well. Even though the elf friendly Warders of Vigilance are now in control in Udrakadesh, they deeply distrust the humans to the south and to be honest, most humans in general.

Illustration purchased from